designs by Felicity

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01: Fear

Fear has always been one of the greatest motivators that humankind has seen. Most people fear not fitting in, not maintaining the status quo or not being noticed. But what if we just flipped in our minds what we fear? How about we begin fearing not taking a chance on something? How about we begin fearing being so afraid of everything that is unknown to us that we become stagnant? 

It is a scary thing to have our feet a few inches above the ground, but that is also where the magic happens. I am here to let you know that it is okay to take the plunge into a new adventure, to start that business you have always wanted, to end that relationship, to quit that job. When your spirit leaves something, take your body with you.

Being fearless can be the unrealistic ideal that you can somehow stop being afraid, or it can be the very realistic ideal that you make decisions and commit to them even though you are afraid. I choose the latter. I hope you will too.